Day 22 - Lexington, VA to Charlottesville, VA - 78.6 miles

I wasn't sure how today was going to go. Especially after how yesterday started and knowing the type of roads I was going to climb today. Basically, I was climbing over the last of the mountains on my trip up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and then back down again. I had been told it was going to a steep climb and they were right. Heading out of Lexington, I went over a serious of "rollercoasters" as Rick from yesterday called them. And then I was on a flat road all the way to Vesuvius. Well, in fact, was a false flat most of the way. (Never a good sign when you see this on your Garmin!) Once in Vesuvius it was uphill and by uphill, I mean UPHILL! 3.5 miles of 6-12% grades - mostly 9%. Something interesting about riding for a long time at grades over 10%. When you drop down to 9%, it feels easy! At one point, I looked down to see why it felt so easy and noticed I was still at 9.6%, but the previous 10-12% gra...